Monday, September 17, 2012

What is normal?

Yesterday we, as a family, returned back to our house after more than a week away.  We enjoyed spending time with our families and getting a little alone time to spend as our own family unit.  While we cancelled the beginning portion of our vacation, we decided that Mallory needed some time with just her parents.  She too has been affected by everything over the past month and deserved some devoted time alone with her parents.  If we didn't realize before how blessed we are by having her in our lives, we definitely do now.  In our times of sadness, her pure heart and infectious giggle allowed us to actually find moments of happiness over the week.  The worries of the world seem to disappear with a little snuggle and smile from her.  She can always make me laugh.

Upon returning yesterday after our trip, we were amazed by the cards and outpouring of support for us as a family.  We are blessed by everyone in our lives.  We also returned to step back into reality and return to our life.  Return to normal.  I struggle with normal.  What is our new normal? While none of the daily routines changed upon getting up this morning for work, it didn't feel right. It all had stayed the same, yet it was all so different.  There was a hole.  I know with time, it will get easier.  But for now it is different, yet the same.

Photo: Do you agree?

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