Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Sometimes in life you just have take a leap of faith.  You can’t always see where you are going to land or what it looks like below, but you have trust that you will land safely.  Trust is not easy for those of us who have been on the downward side of life’s misgivings.  But I have tried hard to find the courage to go forward in the face of fear.  It has not always been easy, but strive for it daily.

We made the decision earlier this year to take that leap and as you all know now, we are expecting a new addition to the family.  With many steps along the way, we can happily report that we are having a healthy baby.  Yesterday we were released from Maternal Fetal Medicine.  It was such a wonderful feeling to hear the word “normal”.  I am 20wks along and due Dec. 16.  I have been asked many times since yesterday if we know what we are having and the answer is yes and have known for awhile.  BUT we are not telling quite yet.  Not too often do subsequent babies get celebrated quite as often as the first before their arrival, so to honor this new member of the family we are having a reveal party in just over a week.  Mallory is beyond excited to be a big sister, talks and sings to the baby daily, and is planning all the things to teach it like “jumping on my bed.” 

Thank you everyone for all the well wishes and prayers.  We appreciate them all and would appreciate all the continued prayers for an uneventful next 19weeks. 

Baby keeping the sex a secret for now.